Image Processing Tutorial for Viking Images

NIH Image is a program originally developed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for processing medical images, although we'll use it for processing planetary images. We have included a copy of NIH Image 1.60 on this CD-ROM. It is located within the Software folder under MACsoft.

First time users click here to get started with NIH Image.

This tutorial will help you to process your own Viking images, particularly those found on the Mission to Mars: Digital Image Maps (MDIMs) and Viking raw images CD-ROM volumes. These CD-ROMs are available from NSSDC. To try out your image processing skills, look for the over 200 Viking Orbiter images also included on this disk. They are located in the "VOImages" folder. The file "INDEX.txt" connects the name of the surface feature to folder title. < p>

If you have enough memory on your computer (16 MB or more), you can run NIH-Image as you read this tutorial. If not, it may be easier to print out sections of this tutorial and keep them handy as you experiment with NIH-Image.

For PC users, we have also included 2 PC image processing programs in the PCSoft directory of the tutorial,


Author of Tutorial and Suggestions